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Die Steel Industry Analysis
Date:2013/8/28     Views:5020

Mold is an integral part of manufacturing special basic equipment, die steel mold manufacturing is an important raw material, which largely determines the quality of products, benefits and new product development capability. Therefore, the development of mold steel industry a large degree of influence mold industry. The level of mold production technology, as a measure of a country's manufacturing an important indicator of the level.
China's mold steel industry in the years of development, has made certain achievements. At present, China is now the standard for the majority of foreign steel and die in the research trial in both steel production and development work carried out. Through consolidation of several steel grades and standards revision, has initially formed a series of characteristic mold steel, mold steel in scientific research and development, production technology, variety, quality, application, etc., have made gratifying achievements. China's mold steel not only able to basically meet the needs of domestic mold industry, and there are some exports abroad.
However, due to the production of die steel small scale, low value-added products, the products uncompetitive. At present, China's mold steel steel still scattered in more than 10 production, because the production of scattered, so there is no focus on advanced technology built soon die steel production lines and research and development center. And some large foreign enterprises in order to mold steel production to increase international competitiveness, carried out cross-border mergers and strategic partnerships. Countries die steel industry generally only 1 to 2 die steel production of professional manufacturers, its production often accounts for 70% to 80%.
Therefore, the future of China's mold steel industry, an important task is the industrial upgrading and enhance the industry technical standards, and expand the scale of production enterprises industry unit, and from decentralized to centralized development of the industry.

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