Contact us

Contact: Mr. Pan
Mobile: 13602429118
Q Q: 1789899932
Phone 020 -86325905
Fax 020 -86092259
Store Address: Guangzhou Baiyun District Jiahe
Street intersection livestock trading center
Phone 020 -36673008
Fax 020 -36673018
Factory Address: Guangzhou Baiyun District Wo
Shinco Village, Village Street No. 12, self


1, clerks, Clerk
Salary: Negotiable
1, responsible for the number of various types of computer files, printing, publishing and archiving;
2, reports the incorporation and consolidation, in order to better carry out and implement the work;
3, coordinating meeting room booking, reasonable arrangements for the use of meeting rooms;
4, complete the cleaning staff to assist public office area, conference room environment routine maintenance work to ensure a clean and orderly work area;
5, the completion of departmental managers accountable to other work.
1, good image, good temperament, aged 20-30 years, female;
2,1 years of relevant work experience, secretarial, administrative and other related professional priorities;
3, familiar with knowledge of office administration and workflow, with basic business letter writing skills and strong written and verbal communication skills;
4, familiar with document writing format, skilled use of office software, etc. OFFICE;
5, the work carefully, responsible, honest.

 Factory Address: Baiyun District, Guangzhou City are Wo Street Branch Village, Village self on the 12th Tel :020 -36,673,008 Fax 020 -36673018    Copyright - Guangzhou, Wei Sun Metal Trading Co., Ltd.
   Technical support: Guangzhou Website