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Contact us |
Contact: Mr. Pan
Mobile: 13602429118
Q Q: 1789899932
Phone 020 -86325905
Fax 020 -86092259
Store Address: Guangzhou Baiyun District Jiahe
Street intersection livestock trading center
Phone 020 -36673008
Fax 020 -36673018
Factory Address: Guangzhou Baiyun District Wo
Shinco Village, Village Street No. 12, self
News |
New Year's day holiday notice | [2016/12/28] |
.. | [2016/9/28] |
Five axis machining center | [2016/9/18] |
1 | [2016/8/17] |
Guangzhou Wei day, 2014 Spring Festival holiday notice | [2014/1/15] |
The rapid development of China's mold industry | [2013/8/28] |
Die Steel Industry Analysis | [2013/8/28] |
Warmly celebrate the company website officially established! ! ! | [2013/8/28] |